25 Dartmouth St. Garden City, NY 11530 | (516) 352-1205
Interested in our school? Private tours are available by appointment. Visit our website for an online virtual tour and/or schedule a 30 minute, one-on-one virtual meeting with the Principal. Please use the scheduler on the website to choose the time slot that works best for you.
Saint Anne’s School, Cognia accredited, is an educational community focused on seeing Christ in each other. Students are immersed in the practice of faith and charity through a variety of school/parish service initiatives. Our strong academic program prepares students for the heightened expectations of high school course work. We accelerate all our students in math so that our 8th grade students are prepared to take the Algebra Regents before graduation. Our graduates do exceedingly well in gaining entrance into the high school of their choice. Saint Anne’s has SMARTBoards in every classroom as well as class sets of Chromebooks and iPads to enhance instructional activities. We have a full time academic support teacher, a science lab, a library, a technology room, and other services/programs. Most importantly, we have a teaching staff dedicated to the religious and academic growth of our students.
Saint Anne’s School is a member of the St. Anne’s Parish family. St. Anne’s is committed to the development of each child’s understanding of our faith. We are a school community focused on seeing Christ in each other where the Gospel is taught through word and example. Students are encouraged to live according to the values inherent in our Catholic Tradition. Children develop their sense of self-worth as they grow in their awareness of God’s love for each individual.
Learn More
(516) 352-1205
[email protected]
Tuition Assistance for St. Anne’s School